Sunday, February 12, 2012

REFURB: Computer Desk

Last week I decided to take some time to sand some years off an old desk. I have been curious as to what the wood looked like underneath this nasty black surface that had been covered with scratches and stains. I was suprised to see that the pine underneath the paint was worthy of a quick fix. I sanded it to about 800 and blacked out the bottom to make the wood really pop on the desktop. This is one of few furniture pieces in the works. I have a few old pallets the will also be refurbished. The Tetris style shelves are still being tweaked but I hope to get them posted soon.
Desk Refurbished
1. Before 

2. Paintless
3. Black Out Bottom

4. Finishing Coat

1 comment:

  1. Computer table can really help you to make a declaration in your workplace. Not simply will a table like this take a position out, but it will stay cleanser and it provoke higher levels of productivity-so your manager will love your perform generation. Here is the various advantage of a empty computer table.

    Painted furniture
